Submissions from 2023
An Evaluation of the Phonics Skilltext as an Aid in Teaching Fourth Grade Reading, Hilda M. Case
A Study of the Humanity of Christ, M. Christella
Predictive Value of the M.M.P.I. with Candidates for the Religious Brotherhood, Robert J. Godfrey
Submissions from 2019
Attitudes Toward Wealth and Poverty in Luke 12:13-34, Edward T. Kohl
Nonsingularity of a Matrix in M2 over GF(p), Wei-Eihn Kuan
The Concept of Apostleship in St. Paul, Vincent J. Lagomarsino
Appropriate Age in Confirmation: A Catechetical Consideration, Rebecca Marie Lawrence
Christ's Use of the Psalter, Harold Lootens
Justice and "Comparable Worth": An Analysis, Anne Mackin
Submissions from 1999
Describing Intraoperative Nursing Practice Using Clinical Data, Kathryn A. Di Pierro
Submissions from 1996
"Blood and Water": Josiah As Exemplar for John's King of the Jews, Steve Bridge
The Lived Experience of Healing in Women Survivors of Domestic Abuse, Mary Jamila Cairo
One Hand Slaps the Other: An Examination of the Use of Scripture and Historical-Critical Research in the Documents Concerning Homosexuality, Mari Rapela Heidt
Submissions from 1994
Monday Mornings: A Television Show Designed to Expand Sex Equity in Career Education for Elementary School Children, Marilyn L. Bird
Effective Implementation of Death Education for Children: Concerns for Educators, Patricia A. Cimperman
The History of the NCAA: Finding a Solution to the Problems, Lawrence A. Frank
Adolescent Substance Use and Academic Achievement and Aspirations, Cherie M. Horan
A Feasibility Study: Continuing Education for the Elderly in an Urban Private University Setting, Santhanam James
The Sacramentality of the Laity: A Case for the Use of In Persona Christi, Jennifer L. Ludtke
Submissions from 1993
Bridging the Gap: Nurse Precepting/Mentoring, Janet Behrens
Prior Knowledge and Textual Hypothesis As Predictors of Reading Comprehension, Paula Cooper
Effective Practices of Chapter I Reading Programs, Cynthia M. Dancker
Incarnation in a Sinless World: Karl Rahner's Approach to the Scotist Position, Bill Dittrich
The Role and Function of a Home Health Care Manager, Marilyn A. Donaldson
Group Therapy for the Treatment of Bulimia, Naomi Fuse
The Psychological Effect of Sport Injury, Debra May Gajewski
Development of a Training Manual for Grief Support Group Facilitators, Suzanne M. Goodrich
A Sociological Analysis of Marriage and Sexuality in I Corinthians 7, Lisa M. Gray
The Effects of Childhood Sexual Abuse on the Maturation and Self Esteem of Adolescent Females, Katherine G. Keshock
Marquette University High School Admissions Office Policy Manual, Keith A. Klestinski
The Relationship Between Administrative Supervision, Teacher Reflection, Creative Teacher Behavior, and Student Creativity, Margaret A. Roushar
Submissions from 1992
Dropout Rate : An Historical Perspective, Wauwatosa School District, Lynn Marie Annesley
Where to Turn : A Directory of Racine Area Mental Health Professionals, Timothy J. Becker
Presidential Addresses as Vision Statements, Susan M. Berce
School-Based Treatment Models for Educational Intervention with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Children, Rosemary A. Berlin
A Critical Pathway Tool for the Infant with Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) on Ribavirin Therapy, Jeanne Braby
Guidelines for Multicultural Awareness in Counseling and Education, Mary S. Bruce
Frances Wright : her social thought as found in her moral philosophy, Michaele Datsko
The Influences of Self-Efficacy and Sociability on Self-Esteem: A Comparison Between Males and Females, Kaye M. Eckert
Uncertainty in Illness: A Review of the Theory, Patricia Finger
Needs of Families of Critically Ill Patients: A Review of the Literature and Implications for Nursing Practice, Kathleen Freundl
Mentoring of Beginning Teachers in the Milwaukee Public School System, Melvin D. Futrell
Culture-fair Assessment in Education, Mary Ruth Galvin-Santos
Presence: Core to Caring, Nursing and Spirituality, Nickijo L. Hager
Math Empowerment Workshop for Women Students, Janice D. Hayward
Behavior Therapy with Adolescents: Contingency Contracting, Patricia Knudtson
Research and methods of improving elementary school students' self-esteem, Peter H. Kopfhammer
Research and Methods of Improving Elementary School Students' Self-esteem, Peter H. Kopfhammer
Regular Education Initiative Study for Victory Elementary School, Mary L. Lamping
Early Language Intervention for Children with Down Syndrome, Jane M. Mammel
Reflections of Karl Rahner on the Gift of Grace, Gabriel Akwasi Mante
Nursing Management of Patients Receiving Epidural Analgesia for Acute Postoperative Pain, Julie Ann Peichl
Intensive Education in The Secondary School, Richard M. Pendergast
Catholic School Research and the Education of Disadvantaged and Minority Students, Rebecca S. Sanfelippo
Self-Esteem: A Curriculum for Kindergartners, Doreen M. Shimoniak
Intergenerational Relationships: How They Address the Counseling Needs of the Elderly, Larisa M. Stirrat
The History of Geometry from an Educational Viewpoint, John J. Stodola
Submissions from 1991
Reliability of the Parenting Inventory : Young Children, Kathleen S. Bentley
Reliability of the Parenting Inventory: Young Children, Kathleen S. Bentley
The Christian Community in Rome: Background and Implications for Interpreting Paul's Letter to the Romans, Thomas M. Bolin
Providing for the Affective Needs of Gifted Middle School Students in SDW, Howard Bubolz
Teacher Performance Evaluation, Ronald A. Carr
A Literature Review of Stress Urinary Incontinence and the Nursing Intervention of Pelvic Floor Exercises, Nancy Chobanian
Compensatory Stress Under Wisconsin Worker's Compensation, Kristin J. Collins
The Evolving Role of the Corporate Nurse Executive, Ruth Ann Costello
Sollicitudo Rei Socialis: A Critical Analysis of Pope John Paul II's 1987 Social Encyclical, Roma De Robertis
The Needs of Reentry Women and the Response of Institutions of Higher Learning, Specifically in the Milwaukee Area, Maryann Desaulniers
Stepfamily Needs: Implications for School Counseling, Cheryl H. Giffin
An Historical Investigation of the Causes Requiring the Founding of An Alternative Catholic School System in the U. S., George R. Glover
Survival Strategies for Adolescents of Divorce, Marylaurel Grogan
What is the Responsibility of the Elementary Counselor Regarding Enrolling An AIDS-Infected Child into the Public Schools, Eileen Hamilton
Self-Help: Beyond Apple Pie and the American Dream, Gary Thomas Hannemann
Education for Employment: A Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Developmental Plan, Diane K. Henry
The Hard of Hearing Experience and Counseling Implications, Mary T. Horrigan
Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings, Qiao Huang
Enrollment Management Practices and the Private University, Jan Judziewicz
The Effects of Locus of Control and Sex on Preferred Learning Styles of Fourth and Fifth Grade Students, Parvin Karshenas
Sex Role Stereotyping in Counseling Avoidance of Sex Role Stereotyping, Reinard L. Klingeisen
Obesity: The Losing Battle, Jill M. Larson
Suicide: Is Every Life Worth Saving?, Maureen F. Lipton
Jesuit Education in Nepal: Its Past and Future Development, Lawrence Maniyar
Flannery O'Connor's Incarnational Art, Linda D. Schlafer
Children of Alcoholics Assistance Program for Preschool and K - Eight Catholic Schools, Felicia Schlechter
The Validity, Reliability, and Usability in Assessment Tools for Bulimia: A Review, Sandra L. Smith
Social Support in Parkinson's Disease, Julie A. Sugden
A Comparative Study of Educational Philosophies of Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore with Relevance to Modern India, Herman Tigga
Submissions from 1990
Supportive Employment: An Evaluation of Successful Placement with the Mentally Retarded and the Mentally Ill, Cecelia M. Adams
Substance Abuse: A Kindergarten Through Sixth Grade Developmental Preventative Curriculum, Sandra Bast
Infant Cognition and Early Experience, Bonnie Behee-Semler
Conflict Resolution and Decision Making, Patricia Bickler
The Volunteer Program in the Elementary School, Kay Bloesl
Nursing Care of Family Members of Patients Undergoing Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Surgery During the Acute Care Phase, Terri L. Chelmowski
Occupation Related Traumatic Stress in Health Care Workers, Janice M. Clark
Music and Literature and Their Application to the Field of Multicultural Counseling, George A. Cleveland
Guidelines for Educating the Family Who Is Caring for An Infant with AIDS, Barbara Ellen Cuene
Teacher Induction Programs: A Review of the Literature, Kristi J. Draver
Minority Undergraduate Students and Career Placement, Eddie Guzman
A Black Male's Struggle in American Society, Jaclyn Hauser-Hagenow
Determining the Importance of Catholic Education to a Non-Catholic African American Population in Milwaukee's Inner-City, Nilsa J. Hernandez-Bakula