Submissions from 1968
Urgency Demands Cooperation in Solving the U.S. Balance of Payments Deficit, David David
An Analysis of Accounting for Fixed Assets in Terms of System Requisites and Electronic Data Processing Implementation, Stephen Gregory Deam
Word and Event in the Eucharist, Nancy Degnan
A Reevaluation of the True Devotion of Louis de Montfort in the Light of Vatican II, John Joseph Descourouez
The Guidance Function of the Continuation School: Group Counseling with Disadvantages Youth, Kenneth L. Detro
An Examination of Attempts to Link Characteristics of College Graduates to Their Future Success in Business, Joseph W. Dingman
Eschatology and Its Implications for the Religious Community, Mary Dingman
Three Areas of Contemporary Thought Relative to the New Catechetics, John Dornisch
Branding and the Robinson-Patman Act, Robert J. Driscoll Jr.
Epicenity of Another Kind, Mary Maun Drydyk
Suggested Guidelines for Evaluating the Guidance Program at Marquette University High School, Ralph Dublinski
Machiavelli and His Influence on the Elizabethan Drama, Mary Lou Duenwald
Comparative Study: The Great Gatsby vs. The Last Tycoon, Kaye Duncan
Some Catullan Imitation in the Love Poetry of John Donne, Frances Cabrini Dunne
The Epistemology of Emily Dickinson: A Study of Her Theories of Nature, Perception, and the Poet, Richard W. Dunphy
Extending the Rational Numbers to the Real Numbers: Comparing the Methods of Cantor and Dedeking, George Edenharder
Types of Compactness, Robert J. Ennis
French Imperialism in Vietnam: 1858 to 1883, Michael A. Ewens
Sacraments and Preaching in the Theology of Karl Barth, Jane Feldmeier
Covering Spaces, Generalized Covering Spaces, Bundle Spaces, and Sliced Fibre Spaces, Thomas Fitzpatrick
The Role of the German-Americans As a Cause of the United States Entry into World War I, Roger Frankowski
A Development and Evaluation of a Method for the Determination of Natural Gas Usage, Lawrence John Frederick
Testing the Objectives of a Ninth Grade Vocational Unit, George M. Frontz
General Charles Ferguson Smith and the Henry-Donelson Campaign, M. Georgene Gauthier
A Study and Projection of Cash Flows for a Restaurant Facility During the Organizational Period, Richard L. Gauthier
Emerson and Whitman: A Study in Transcendentalism, M. Genesia Goetz
An Introduction to the Theory of Near-Rings, Sandra Lee Goldsmith
Understanding and Counseling the Underachiever: Handbook for Elementary Classroom Teachers, Loris Ann Greco
Finite Simple Groups, Mary Jeanine Greiner
Authority As Seen in the New Testament and Vatican II, James Hamann
A Proposal to Offset Trend Induced Bias in the Exponentially Smoothed Time Series, Robert D. Hamill
The Inner World of Mr. Bulstrode: A Study of George Eliot's Middlemarch, Regina Hansen
An Economic Survival Plan for the Small Manufacturing Firm, Raymond W. Harrison
An Analysis of the Impact Made by Guiding Growth in Christan Social Living of the Curriculums of Certain Elementary Schools, Marie C. Hasenoehrl
Vatican II: The Role of the Religious Woman within the Church, Joan Hastreiter
A Manuscript Study of Character and Fate in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Thomas H. Hausman
The Mathematics Curriculum at Marillac High School, Celeste Hayden
What To Do with the Witches in Macbeth, Philip G. Heim
Highlights in the Teaching of Mathematics from 1930-1968, Elisabeth Heisig
Senator William Pitt Fessenden and the Era of Reconstruction, James C. Hobbins
Johnson's "Life of Dryden" from The Lives of the Poets, Judith Ann Hocking
A Comparative Study of the Effects of A Board of Appeals on the Contributions of Church Members with Children in a Parochial Day School, Howard Albert Hohnstadt
Current Research on the Effects of Educational Television Pros and Cons, Mary Paulice Holzinger
Analysis of a Senior Questionnaire Based on Students' Interpretation of Their High School Training, Ruth L. Holzman
A Proposed Plan for Curriculum Change at the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Grade Levels at St. Catherine School in Suburban Milwaukee, Marita Hopkins
A Survey of Contributions of the Literature Elementary Guidance 1958-1968, Mary Jean M. Horn
Creative Evolution and Brahman: East and West Reconciled?, M. L. Humphrey Jr.
Frankenstein or Jeckyl: The Strange Case of Urizen in the Myth of William Blake, Joel F. Jackson
Sex Differences in Speech Improvement through Television Compared with Traditional Methods of Instruction, M. M. Janis
A Study of Confucianism, Elizabeth J. Ji
Geometry Seminars, Gregory W. Johnson
Fidelity-Hope as the Christian Mode of Living, Stephen M. Johnson
To be the Great Arsenal of Democracy Would it Lead the United States to War?, Q. J. Johnstone
To be the Great Arsenal of Democracy, Would it Lead the United States to War?, Q. James Johnstone
Joseph Andrews: The Forming Currents and Method of its Satire, Alice Kaiser
Direct private manufacturing investment in western Europe and the U. S. balance of payments., Edward M. Kaminski
Marvell's Love Poetry: An Examination of Uninvolvement, Patricia Karolek
The Growing Importance of the Role of Group Dynamics in Religious Community Life, M. Catherine Ellen Kearney
A Manuscript Study of Hardy's Attempt to Portray "Tess" as a Pure Woman, Mary M. Keefe
The Marquette Student Teacher in the Greater Milwaukee Community, Edward R. Keilly
Beowulf and The Song of Roland: A Comparison, Kathleen Kenkel
The Use of Computer Service Centers as Information Utilities, Michael R. Kerns
Toward the Omega (According to Teilhard de Chardin), M. Patricia Kieler
Adaptive Control of a System with a Delay, Kwang-young Kim
A Study of the Effect of the Bibliotherapy Technique on the Creative Thinking of Teachers, Mary L. King
Progressives and Muckrakers in Wisconsin Politics at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century, Edward Klein
A Study of the Effects of Inflation on Pension Plans, Loretta A. Koch
Joseph Mazzini, The Italian Nationalist, Helen Koopmann
Teaching Christian Humanism: A Team Approach, Fred A. Kulovits
John Dennis: Longinian, Chikako Kumamoto
United States Doctoral Dissertations on Spanish Literature: 1955-1965, Robert R. LaDu
Reading Readiness in the Home: A Means of Preventing Reading Difficulties, Mary Joan Lanctot
The Munich Crisis: British and German Discussions, Robert Landolt
A Review of the Periodical Literature on the Development of Individualized Reading Instruction in the Elementary School, Mary Niva Langreck
Suspect the Butler: The Role of Benjamin F. Butler in the Impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Mary Kathryn Lawlor
A Catalyst in Mathematics Education, C. Lindley Light
The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit According to St. Athanasius in His First Letter to Serapion, Leander Lirette
Rationalism and Religion in Enlightenment Encyclopedias: Bayle, Diderot, and Voltaire, Richard J. Little
McClernand and the Battles of Fort Henry and Donelson, Lawrence J. Luettgen
Luther's Liturgical Reforms of 1523 and 1526: Background and Influences, Randolph F. Lumpp
An Analysis of the Application of the Input-Output Technique to the Solution of Marketing and Planning Problems of a Multi-product Industrial Firm, Donald E. Machenberg
Competition in the Electronic Data Processing Industry as Indicated by Its Market Structure, Behavior and Performance, Richard Makrevis
Parents' Reactions to Elements of Care During the Maternity Cycle, Madge A. Malecki
A Question of Identity and Motivation in Othello, Thomas R. Malia
The Price/Earnings Ratio, William Joseph Malooly
A Report on Authorial Intrusion in Far From the Madding Crowd: the device Within an Overlooked Perspective, Helen Martell
The Difference Between Numbered Number and Numbering Number as Principles in Traditional and Modern Mathematics, Mary Lou Massignani
Fibonacci Numbers in Geometry, Mary Brian McCoy
The Characterization and Inversion of a Matrix of Lower Order Region Moments for a k-Simplex, James M. Meehan
The Church as Mystery in Lumen Gentium, Lucy Mee
Nursing Inferences Regarding the Delivery of the Infant, Lois Olsen
Towards a Renewal of the Sacrament of Penance, Allan Peterkin
Time as Metaphor in Paradise Lost, James P. Pollock
Concepts of Love in the Works of James Baldwin, M. Maxine Barnett Pollock
Sartre's Philosophy Compared to the Philosophical Presuppositions of Rogers' Therapy, Richard E. Potter
Z-Group Math, Shirley A. Ross
Comparative study of knowledge increment and attitude development in two approaches to class organization in the high school religion program, Mary Frances, Ruefer
Louis Marie Duchesne (1843-1922), Joseph E. Russell