Submissions from 1965
Relation of the Soul to the Members of the Trinity According to St. Bonaventure, Marie Trinité Glisky
Some Radical Ideals in Rings, Margaret A. Gould
The Problem of the Subordination of the Second Person in Origen, Joseph M. Hallman
A Comparison of An Eighth Grade Mathematical Geography Unit As Taught by a Traditional Method and a Programed Text, Marcella A. Hoeft
The Relationship Between Scripture and Tradition According to Cardinal Newman, Susan Hoffman
What Is a Matrix?, Mary L. Hogan
A Survey of Televiewing and Leisure Reading Habits of the Students in Saint Stephen School, M. Celestine Honrath
The Treaty of Fond Du Lac: August 5, 1826, Gerald H. Hubert
Development of a Predictive Device to Aid in Sectioning Ninth Grade Mathematics Students at Nicolet High School, Richard D. Huxtable
An Examination of Christ and the Church and De Ecclesia in the Light of Non-comparative Approaches to Ecclesiology, William J. Hynes
The Epistle to the Hebrews and the Priesthood of the Laity, Mary S. Inkel
The Human Knowledge of Christ According to Karl Rahner, S.J., Osmund Jacobs
German Protestant Existentialism and Education, John F. Johnson
An Investigation of Teachers' Concepts of Home Study for Grades VII and VIII of One Particular Religious Order, M. B. Kallas
Portrait of Christ in St. Mark's Gospel, Mary P. Kane
Portrait of Christ in St. Mark's Gospel, Mary Pauletta Kane
The Failure of the Equilibrium Policy: German-Polish-Soviet Relations Prior to World War II, J. A. Karcz
Christian Redemption as Human Fulfillment, Marilyn Kaufman
The Later Stuarts and Louis XIV: Problems, Tensions, and Harmonies, Joachim Kelley
The Controller as a Member of Top Management, Robert P. Kult
Eamon de Valera and the Anglo-Irish Treaty: An Historiographical Problem, Robert Kuptz
The Election of 1916 and Milwaukee, Thomas J. Landers
Thirst in Heart Failure Patients, Patricia A. Lordan
A Dogmatic Theology Information Retrieval System for Use at Marquette University, Jerald E. Maiers
A Handbook for Parents of Blessed Sacrament School, Mary Augusta Majewski
Math: Fundamentals for the Ninth Grade, John P. Marchant
Role of Credit Unions in Developing Countries, Joseph A. Markowski
The Theology of the Holy Spirit in Three Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins, Marilyn Chapin Massey
Two Major Struggles for American Negro Civil Rights: Some Possible Effects on Education and Society, Thomas A. McAvoy
An Evaluation of Attitudes Toward Religious Practices in Junior High School Level, Mary Pia Panfili
The Development of a Program to Improve the Articulation Between Secondary and Elementary School Units, M. Francis Xavier Pank
A Market Study of Philippine Sugar, Milwida M. Pineda
A Student Handbook for Maria High School, Mary Roselite Pomis
An Evaluation of the Yalta Conference, M. Lucie Schaul
Religion, Montessori and the Home, Jeannine Schmid
Submissions from 1964
Abbot Vonier's Sacramental Thought in the light of Dom Odo Casel's Mystery-Presence, Rosemarie Abate
Curve Tracing: an Essay, John D. Aceto
A Survey of Programs for the Education of the Culturally Deprived, Mary Eileen Albright
Dialogue in Moral Theology: Its Basis, Paul J. Allen
The Holy Spirit in St. Augustine's De Trinitate, Adeline Becker
Order Statistics, Douglas J. Bohn
A Comparative Study of Two Methods of Teaching Reading Flexibility (Instrumental vs Non-Instrumental) to Adult Groups at a Southern University, Ruth E. Bolton
A Comparative Study of the Readability of Four Fourth Grade Reading Textbooks, Carole Bradley
The Sacrament of Baptism: The Sign and Cause of Our Incorporation into Christ, M. Anthony Carollo
An Analysis of the Performance of the Non-resident Owned Canadian Mutual Funds, Benjamin L. Case
An Analysis of the Performance of the Non-Resident Owned Canadian Mutual Funds, Benjamin L. Case
The Business Cycle, Thomas E. Cashman
Integer and Lattice Programming, Paul Shih-tsen Cheng
The Ultimate Objectives of Physical Science Courses and the Behavioral Traits Indicative of Their Attainment, Richard E. Ciseske
A Study of the Relative Weightings Attached to Specific Teaching Techniques As Rated by a Group of Cleveland Administrators, Mary Finnian Cook
The Problem of God and the Kantian Reaction: A Survey, James S. Dalton
The Problem of God and the Kantian Reaction: A Survey, James S. Dalton
Lectures, On Algebraic Systems For High School Mathematics Clubs, LeRoy C. Dalton
Israel: The People of the Exodus/Covenant, George E. Devine
The Use of Six Cognitive Variables in the Selection of Ninth-Graders for Algebra and General Math, Evermode T. De Wane
Dupanloup, Leader of Modern Catholic Liberalism, Linda Dina
An Evaluation of Home and School Relationships of Saint Joan Antida High School through a Survey of Parent Opinions, M. Berchmans Dragotta
A Description and Evaluation of a Closed Circuit TV Orientation Program for Marquette University Freshmen, John R. Dunn
Lincoln and the Wade-Davis Bill, John Durr
Historians and the Causes of the War of 1812: A Study in Historiography, Nancy M. Engelhardt
Italy and the Steel Pact with Germany (May 22, 1939), Dianne E. Francesconi
The Selling of Securities and Their Registration in Belgium and France, Yves H. Gardette
The Effect of Various Depreciation Methods on Financial Statements Including the Effect of Accelerated Depreciation in Accordance with the American Institute of Accountants' Research Bulletin no. 44, LaVerne Elizabeth Gebbard
Performance of High School Boys of High and Low Scholastic Ability on the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule, Joseph F. Geniesse
Support and Profitability: A Pilot Study, Thomas George Gerhardt
Students' Evaluation of the Religion Curriculum of Saint Joan Antida HIgh School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M. Augustine Giannini
Proposed Curriculum for a Fine Arts Survey Course at Nicolet High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Eugene Victor Grassi
Sacrificial Function of the Priesthood of the Laity, Therese Donam Hahn
A Case Study of Property Tax Assessment Uniformity, Thomas R. Harty
The History of the Township of Rubicon, Wisconsin As Influenced by Saint John's Catholic Church, Gerald B. Hauser
A Comparative Study of the Achievement of Public Housing Students at John Muir Junior High School, Arthur W. Jahns
An Essay on Digital Computer Techniques in Locomotive Performance Analysis, John P. Jansky
Themes of the Church in St. John's Gospel and the Apocalypse, M. Cecily Jones
An Analysis of Perceptions of Marquette University's Counseling Services by its Women Resident Students, Anne T. Kleiner
The Incomparable Professor Duffey, Lucille Krauska
The Parisian Salons in Opposition to the Second Empire, Margaret Kustermann
Patient Study: Identification of the Patient Needs While Subject to Cobalt Therapy, Norma Marie Lang
Some Properties of Metric and Hausdorff Spaces, Robert A. Loop
Creativity in Education for Nursing, Alice Marie Loosbrock
Creativity in Education for Nursing, Alice Marie Loosbrock
Encounter: Fundamental Relation in Nursing, Gertrude Elisabeth Luther
A Study of the Use Made of Field Trips by Teachers in the Milwaukee Public Schools, Dorothy Mackowski
The History of the Marquette University Women's Residence Halls, Ruth Ann MacMahon
The Effect of Correlating Civil War Songs with Civil War History on Achievement in History, M. Daniel Mahoney
Fort Donelson and the Confederacy, Eugene Donald Palinski
Characteristics of Dropouts at Waukesha High School 1959-1963, Donald Paoletti
An Opinionnaire Survey of Catholic Elementary School Principals of Overcrowded School Conditions in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, Mary Joan Phillips
A Follow-up Study of the Drop-outs of Saint Joan Antida High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, M. Crucifix Polimeni
The Educational Progress of Women in India (Post-Independent India), Alice Marie Rodrigues
British and German Foreign Relations, 1937-1939, Ronald Romenesko
An Analysis of the Economic Consequences in the State of Kansas of the 1964 Wheat Referendum, Gordon Anthony Saussy
Discovering a Child's Idea of God and Developing the Idea Through Visual Aids, M. Loretta Stoltz
Submissions from 1963
A Study of the Disaster Plans of Four Selected Hospitals in Milwaukee, 1963, Chaicherd Abijatabutra
The Interests of 318 High School Seniors as Measured by the Strong Vocational Interest Blank, Robert J. Albers
A Study of Vocational Attitudes of Selected Waukesha Area High School Senior Boys Toward Technical Occupations and Technical Training, Richard Todd Anderson
The Eucharist as Sustenance and Expression of the Mystical Body, Mary Benedicta
The Specifically Divine Actions in the Sacrifice of Christ According to Saint Paul, B. R. Brittell