Submissions from 1960
Geodesics with Some Applications, Atilano Gomez
An Examination of the Solution of An Exact Differential Equation by the Short Cut Method, Stanley Jerome Guberud
A Survey of the Significant Factors in the Guidance and Development of the Vocations of the Final Professed Sisters of the Order of Servants of Mary of Ladysmith, Wisconsin, 1949-1959, Mary Hyacinth Gullan
An Experimental Study of Teaching Effective Listening Skills through Children's Literature, Mary J. Jelen
Students' Opinions Concerning "Why" They Underachieve at Badger High School, Eugene J. Joyce
Opinions of Parents Concerning Parent Conferences, Mary Monique Kelly
An Evaluation of the Business Education Curriculum Through a Follow-up Study of Recent Graduates, Joan Kupfert
A Survey of the Problems of High School Students in Menominee, Michigan, Joan M. Lauerman
Material Creation and Cosmic Redemption, M. Renelle Le Claire
Charles Stewart Parnell and Home Rule, Angeline Marie Lemlin
A Follow-up Study of the June 1958 and 1959 Graduates of Saint Joan Antida High School Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Mary Letizia
An Analysis of the Concept of Direct Costing, Gerald L. Loth
The Elijah and Elisha Story Cycles in Luke -- Acts, Joanne Lucid
The Burr Conspiracy, John W. Lumber
Opinions of Greenfield Teachers Concerning Merit Rating, Richard J. March
A Review of Budgeting Techniques with Emphasis on the Cash Budget and Profit Forecasting, Ralph A. Marini
A survey of television interests and habits based on questionnaires given to parents, teachers and pupils of the four Catholic schools in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, Mary Benjamin Mustzal
William H. Wood and the Political Outlook on the Sauk Rapids Frontier 1855-1860, John Bernard Plantenberg
"Russia": Monolith or Myth? Terminological Problems of Eastern European History, Robert B. Roesler
The Relationship of Home Study Habits and Conditions to Intellegence, Mary Rosula
An Experimental Comparison of Socialized and Teacher Correction Methods in English Composition, M. Aurelian Schmidt
A Study of Individualized Reading Instruction Versus Basal Textbook Instruction in a Double Grade Situation, Rose Agnes Schoeneberger
Teacher and Student Choices of Leadership Traits at Girls Catholic High School, Hays, Kansas, M. Rosaline Stephanie
Michael Bakunin: Precursor of Leninist Bolshevism, M. Judine Suter
Submissions from 1959
The Incorporation of the Baltic States by the U.S.S.R., Isabelle Andriuzzi
A Survey of Counseling and Guidance Facilities in Schools of Nursing in Iowa, Audrey Arp
A Test of the Graham and Dodd Concept of Central Value, Richard Bieganski
James K. Polk and the Mexican War, Rita Marie Brewer
A Follow-Up Study of Graduates of Mercy Hospital School of Nursing Oshkosh, Wisconsin 1952-1957, M. Gerard Bruder
A Study of Prediction in Second Algebra, Arthur L. Cherrier
Burke's Reaction to the Eighteenth Century in Action, Michael Coffey
The Use of the School and College Ability Tests for Educational Guidance at the Sacred Heart Seminary, Oneida, Wisconsin, Robert L. Colle
A Survey of the Problems of High School Students at Milwaukee Lutheran High School through the Use of the SRA Youth Inventory, A. W. Coppens
An Examination of Various Factors Which Relate to the Level of Residential Building in the United States, and from These Estimate the Probable Future Demand for This Segment of the Construction Industry, William E. Curran Jr.
A Comparison of Programs of Studies of Coeducational Schools of Nursing in Wisconsin, Elaine Seifriz Daeger
Indiana Democracy and the Lincoln Administration, Francis Elise Deasy
A Study of Professional Nurse Turnover in Five Hospitals Milwaukee, Wisconsin January 1, 1958-December 3, 1958, Louise Eckroth
Innocent III and the Rise of the University of Paris, Joan Gallery
Chateaubriand and the Catholic Revival in France, M. Godwin
Grant and the Battle of Fort Donelson, Alfred H. Groves
Effects of Previous Pleasant and Unpleasant Conditions on Achievement Test Performance of Sixth Grade Students of Differential Personality Status, James Catherine Hare
Prediction of Probable Success or Failure in Elementary Algebra, Mary Judette Harrington
A Study of the Interests and Leisure Time Activities of Seventh and Eighth Grade Boys and Girls of Holy Family School on Mason City, Iowa, Mary Vaune Hennessy
Plato on Education, Mary Christine Hoffmann
An Evaluation of Research on Phonics Instruction in Grade One, Joseph M. Jorgenson
Prediction of Algebra and Plane Geometry Achievement Test Scores of Two-Hundred Students, William R. Kennealy
A Survey of the Union High School, Union Grove, Wisconsin, Leopold K. Kerschitz
Fixed Asset Value and Depreciation, Nellis K. Klein
A Survey of School Camping and Outdoor Education in California, Eugene R. Krueger
The Physical Fitness of Male Freshmen at Marquette University, Robert Lee Lagerman
A Study of Children's Understanding of Religious Vocabulary with Implications for the Use of Audio-Visual Aids, Mary Arlene Levitzke
Characteristics of Students' Interest in Teaching, Charles Machi
That All May Be One, Rose Mary
A Study of the Relationship of Emotional Instability and Reading Disability at the Grade School Level, Nadine Schafer
A Comparison of Achievement of Fifth Grade Pupils who Attended Double-session Classes in the First Two Grades with a Group who Attended Regular Classes, M. Janice Schimerowski
A Survey of Parental Reaction to the Teaching, Discipline, and Social Aspects of St. Aloysius Elementary School Arcadia, Wisconsin, Mary Jerome Schindler
A Survey of Self-Responsibility in Women's Residence Halls, Mary Joan Stentz
A Survey of Pupil Opinion of Saint Margaret Mary School to Determine Their Attitudes Toward Selected Phases of School Life, Mary Hester Valentine
Submissions from 1958
A Survey of the Television Habits of the Pupils of the Fourth and Fifth Grades at the Twenty-fourth Street School, Albert R. Bertolas
An Investigation of the Relationship Between Personality Adjustment and Vocational Interest, Harold P. Bessette
A Survey of the Methods of Presenting Occupational Information in Wisconsin Public Secondary Schools, John H. Bidney
A Supervisor Function Study in a Specific Group of Hospitals, M. Rennelle Brueggemann
Lafayette and the French Revolution, Agnes Theodore Casey
A Study of the Humanity of Christ, M. Christella
A Study of Graduates of St. Luke's Hospital School of Nursing, Racine, Wisconsin, Lucy Derderian
A Survey of Reasons Given by High School Students for Improvement in Scholastic Achievement, Mary Evelyn Dillon
Anticipated and Experienced Teaching Problems of a Group of Student Teachers, Madeline A. Ferschl
A Survey of the Effectiveness of a Social Integration Program Involving Normal Hearing and Acoustically Handicapped Children in Elementary Schools, Dolores B. Fink
A Study of the Ways in which Parents Can Supplement TV with Other Materials, Carolyn Anne Fleckenstein
The Effectiveness of Formal and Informal Methods of Instruction in Teaching Poetry to Primary Children, Catherine C. Fleckenstein
The Jay Treaty and Its Importance in American History, Leo C. Gebhart
The Place of the Postoperative Recovery Room in the Diploma Programs of Nursing in Indiana, Jane Gember
A Survey of High School-Pastoral Relationships in the Archdiocese of Milwaukee, John P. Hanley
A Correlation Study of High School, College and State Board Achievement of Graduates of a Selected School of Nursing, Eileen C. Hofbauer
An Investigation Of The Reactions of Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grade Children to the 1958 Educational Television Experiment in the Milwaukee Public Schools, Albin Gilbert Kaczmarek Jr.
A Study of Potential Catholic High School Freshman Enrollment for the Greater Milwaukee Area for 1965, Joseph A. Kalista
How the Layman Exercises His Priesthood at Mass, M. Samuella Laughlin
A Correlation Study of a Pre-nursing Test with Achievement in General Nursing Medical Nursing and Surgical Nursing, Dorothy Rose Lutovsky
History of Italy 400 to 475 A.D., Robert Manti
Emancipation and Colonization: The Early Years of the American Colonization Society, Catherine A. Peters
Extent to Which Audio-visual Aids are Utilized by Milwaukee Public Elementary School Teachers in the Teaching of Arithmetic, Science, and Social Studies, Charles D. Schrader
Submissions from 1957
A Survey of Parental Reaction to the Scheduled Parent-Teacher-Pupil Conferences at Cathedral High School, Belleville, Illinois, Michael C. Brangan
How Can the Teaching of Literature Best Meet the Needs of the Young Adolescent?, Thomas Mary Burke
A Survey of Public Elementary School Teachers Evaluation Practices, Kenneth L. Christensen
Faith in Relation to the Sacraments in the Catecheses of St. Cyril of Jerusalem and of St. Ambrose of Milan, M. Johnice Cohan
A Survey of Some Important Aspects and Current Practices in the Catholic High Schools of Nueva Segovia, Francisco Cruces
A Survey of the Television Habits and Interests of the Pupils of the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Grades of the Thirty-Fifth Street School, Joseph Paul Diliberti
The Effects of Several Factors on Achievement in Elementary Algebra, Brigid Dunne
A Comparative Experimental Study, M. Everildis Eck
The Relationship between Development of Span of Visual Apprehension and Use of the Society of Visual Education Tachistoscope, Joseph E. Ferraro
A Study of Recreational Reading Interests of Racine, Catholic, Fifth Grade Students According to Certain Measurable Factors, Helen M. Galis
A Comparison of the Traditional Method of Teaching Spelling with the Functional Method of Teaching Spelling in a Third Grade, Ceulah Weber Hermann
The Impact of Television, Adele Hiltgen
The Problems of Elementary Parochial School Teachers and their Implications for Supervision, Victoria Houle
Simon Bolivar the Statesman, B. Jaskulski
Soviet Education of Youth After Revolution of 1917, Mary T. Jastrzemski
Mental Prayer for Catholic Youth, Mary C. F. Jegen
A Brief Survey of the Material Accomplishments of the Graduates of Marmion Military Academy, Aurora, Illinois, Augustine Jones