Submissions from 1968
Developmental Counseling in Sister Formation: A Proposal for Community Renewal, Mary Phyllis Ryan
Tone, Quality, and Feeling in the Poetic Meditations of Edward Taylor, Norine C. Ryan
The Incarnation as Redemptive in the Thought of Chardin, Beverley Sabella
Replacement Parts Pricing, Frank E. Santarelli
An Essay on the Meaning of Analogy in the Church Dogmatics of Karl Barth, James John Schilling
Nets and Filters: Convergence in Topology, Jean Schmittau
The Relationship Between Johann Adam Moehler's Anthropology and Ecclesiology as Expressed in His Die Einheit in der Kirche, Gertride Schoepko
Student Attitudes and Opinions at Don Bosco High School Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Philip M. Schrampf
Cash Forecasting, Myron A. Schroeder
Experimental Study of Line in the Learner's Perception of the Handwriting Task, M. Rose Clare Steve
The Role of Nationalism in the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, Marilyn Sullivan
The Generalization of Convergence by Means of Nets and Filters, Therese Martin Surette
An analysis of the conglomerate and its impact on business organization in the United States., Thomas J. Wagner
Submissions from 1967
Redemption as Seen in Light of Vatican II with an Historical Survey of the Meaning of Redemption, John Marie Akey
Near-Rings, Michael Alchediak
Anglo-German Relations: March 1938 Through September 1938, Maria Allen
The Effectiveness of the Home-School Relations Program in Saint Clare's School, Waveland, Mississippi, Mary Ruth Angelette
Ternary Operations, Joseph D. Barrick
Capital Expenditure Management: A Study of Evaluation Techniques, James W. Baudhuin
The Medieval Italian Peasant, William N. Bergstrom II
Christian Freedom: Implications for Christian Education, Mary Lorraine Biedrzycki
A Study of the Evaluating and Reporting of Pupil Progress in the Unified District of Racine, Wisconsin, Anthony l. Den Boer
A Study of the Relationship Between Scores Attained on National League for Nursing Achievement and Comprehensive Tests and State Board Examination Results, Lois M. Borkowski
Reactions to World War I As Viewed through Some Catholic Publications, 1914-1918, Maria Brennan
Elements of Self Identification in the Eucharistic Action, Mary Laurence Bronge
A Study of Christian Love in the Gospel of St. Luke, Carol Campbell
Establishing Operation Absorption Rates for a Foundry, Robert D. Carver
A Comparison Between the American and Philippine Banking System, Aurora Chang
Subrings of the Ring of All Two by Two Matrices Over a Field, Allan A. Coenen
A Survey of Teachers' Opinions toward Moonlighting, Joseph P. Conners
The Election of 1932, Mary Perpetua Conzelmann
The Old Testament Notion of Covenant and Personal Transformation, Mary Irene Deger
Jesus' Consciousness of Himself As Servant, Barton W. DeMerchant
Study of the Effect of Preoperative Teaching on Postoperative Activity, Dorothy Desens
The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of St. John, Henry Deters
Bank Capital Notes, Owen R. DeVillers
Christ As the Servant in the Gospel of Saint Luke, M. Scholastica Dillon
Job Satisfaction of Nurses Employed in Intensive Care Units, Agnes Eileen Dineen
Relationships Between Grades in School and Control of Televiewing Time for Elementary School Children in the Cudahy Public Schools, Cudahy, Wisconsin, William J. Emanuelson
Are Businesses Justified in Investing in the Production of Teaching Machines for the Educational Market?, Ronald Farah
A Study of the Cement Industry in the Philippines, Maria Felicidad Z. Fernandez
A Survey of Various Procedures Used in Auditing Electronic Data Processing Systems, Charles J. Firkins
An Experimental Study of the Relationship of Biographical Data to Academic Success At Pius XI High School, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, June M. Fisher
The Pauline Awareness of the Authority of Christ, Henry A. Foley
Saint Augustine and the Priesthood, M. Ann Clare Fox
The Doctrine of Penance of the Early Church, Vincent Freiberg
Linear Operators on a Set of Quasi-Continuous Functions, Mary Leone Funke
Nongraded School Concept, Marie Alexis Geiger
Multiple Counseling as a Suggested Technique in Aiding Foreign Students Prepare for Their Return Home, Nancy Gettelman
Faith: An Interpersonal Relationship: (Only Faith Can Be Believed), Margaret Louis Giblin
The Environmental Factors Involving Dropouts of Racial Minority Core Area Students, Donovan C. Glocke
On the Relationship Between the Univariate Entropy and the Variance, Thomas J. Glyzewski
Application of Systems Analysis to Develope a Planning Model for International Operations, William Stephen Grogan
Christ, the Recipient of Revelation, Mary Regina Hallinan
Characteristics of Freshman Students Seeking Counseling in Catholic Memorial Waukesha High School, David J. Hanser
The Presence of God in Scripture, Marie Thomas Harris
The Meaning of Virginity in St. Jerome's Treatise Against Jovinian, Nancy Hennessy
The Notion of Person in Carl Rogers in the Light of the Incarnation, Blane G. Holschuh
The Relation Between the Human and the Christian in Tellhard de Chardin, Valerie Hornstein
Inservice Education, Mary Antonissima Jamruk
A Survey of Parent Involvement in the Home and School Associations in Four Secondary Schools in the City of Milwaukee, Mary R. Keiter
The Relationship Between Factorial Designs of Experiments and the Theory of Finite Abelian Groups, Jill L. Kelly
Signs of Grace: Israel, Christ, the Church, Ann Kendrick
Motivation for Living the Religious Life as Treated in the Documents of Vatican II, Marilee Ketterhagen
A Century of Petroleum Pipeline Growth, John R. Kidney
Continuity in Health Care: A Study of the Nurse-Role in Patient's Need for Continuing Care, Dolores J. Kindell
A Study of the College Budget, Roger Harry Kuehl
Confirmation: Sacrament of Witness for the Mature Person, M. Bernard Ann Kurtz
The Soteriological Significance of I John 4:12, Joan E. Lark
Team Teaching in the Upper Elementary Grades, Mary Theodore Lengerich
The Transforming Power of Love in Willa Cather's Prairie Stories, Miriam Clare Lewandowski
An Opinionnaire Survey of Catholic Elementary School Principals in the Diocese of La Cross, Wisconsin Concerning School Boards, Mary Lillian Martell
Milwaukee's Baking Industry -- Through the Great War, Mary C. Payne
A Survey of Programmed Instruction for Educators, Robert F. Perske
Integration of Classroom Guidance with the Language Arts Program in the Intermediate Grades, Mary Ritamae Preto
An Evaluation of the Counseling Services in the Beginning Guidance Program at St. Francis Academy, M. Alexia Rogalla
A Study of the Contribution Method of Sales Potential Measurement, Theodore Courtney Rogers
Unique Factorization Domains, Joseph L. Rowan
A Study to Investigate Curriculum Choices, Student-teacher and Peer-group Relations as Three Possible Factors of Tension in an Integrated All Girls Catholic High School, Joan of Arc Schairer
An Inquiry into the Objectives of the Two-year Program of Latin Offered in Jesuit High Schools of the Wisconsin Province of the Society of Jesus, Thomas N. Schloemer
Intellectual Involvement in the Social Reform Movement at Saint Francis Seminary 1906-1914, Robert W. Schneider
A Comparative Study of the Functional and Grammatical Approach in Teaching Freshman High School Latin, Edward Cecilia Schniedermeier
A Study of Reasons the Catholic Parents in Kaukauna, Wisconsin Give for Transferring Their Children to Public School, Mark J. Schommer
How to Establish and Use the New Approach to Scripture in the Secondary School, Frederick J. Schramm
A Study of the Principles of Motivation and their Relationship to Motivational Devices, Mary St. Angela
A Study of Past, Present, and Future Participation in "Shared-Time" by Non-public Secondary School Students in the State of Wisconsin, M. Clarice Steinfeldt
An Evaluation of the Effect of the Counseling Program in the Men's Residence Halls at Marquette University, Bruce William Stender
The Father: Insights Gleaned from John 3 and 6, Mary Bernard Sullivan
Submissions from 1966
Christian Priesthood in the Summa Theologiae of St. Thomas Aquinas, David Abalos
Head Nurse: Position Responsibility, Genevieve M. Adrian
The Covenant Mystery of Marriage, Joan Alexander
The Enlightenment and the French Revolution, Richard L. Allen
Guidelines in the Use of Deductibles in a Commercial Insurance Program, John Ames
The Staff Nurse: Perception of Nursing Responsibilities, Bonnie L. Anderson
The Prayer-Actions and Prayer of Jesus in the Gospel of St. Mark, Elisa M. Baja
The Theme of the Kingdom in the Gospel of St. Matthew, Mary Therese Baker
The Holy Family Program, An Approach for Parent Participation in the Hierarchical Apostolate of the Church, Mary Norbert Berning
An Introduction to a Progressive Catholic Newspaper with a Program: Editorial Comment of The Wanderer on Social Reconstruction, 1931-1936, Anne Lucie Berres