Submissions from 1990
An Assessment of AIDS-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors among Jesuit College and University Students, Dennis G. Jones
AIDS Education Curriculum Guide for Catholic Elementary Schools Grades Kindergarten Through Eight, Rebecca Jones
Contracting Out the Public Sector, Richard M. Jones
A Handbook on Literature- Based Instruction for Middle School Students Enhanced by Comprehension Strategies, Mary Louise Kadera
Good, Value and Conversion: The Ethical Theory of Bernard Lonergan, George A. Kimball Jr.
A Study of the Existence of Policy Development in Catholic Secondary Schools in Wisconsin Using School Board Minutes, Sally J. Kirschmann
Recruiting: How School Systems Get Qualified People into Teaching, Joseph M. Kluber
The Priesthood of the Christian Family, Mark Koehne
Bernard of Clairvaux: A Spiritual Model for Martin Luther, James G. Kroemer
The Effects of Birth Order on Self-concept, Julie Ann Kummer
Parental Consent Laws, Abortion, and the Ethical Responsibilities of the Counselor, Jennifer S. Maney
The emerging role of the elementary school counselor, John G. McGowan
A Contemporary Literature Review of the Concept of Social Support, Marion J. Opela
The Continuous Struggle to Maintain Career Competence: A Case Study of a Forty-year-old Learning-disabled Man, Mary Elizabeth Rutecki
Use of Hypnotherapy to Facilitate Re-education of the Child Abuse Victim, Mark J. Ryshke
Self Management Skills: A Curriculum and Sample of Evaluation and Implementation of a Developmental Guidance Model, Julie A. Schiellack
Submissions from 1989
Some Proposals for Administrative Improvement at St. Xavier's School, Kathmandu, Mathew Assarikudy
Theodore Parker's American Idea, Ellen Aussem
Does the Literary Form of Luke 1:26-38 Point To a Theological Purpose?, Thomas Robert Sekhar Berchmans
Analgesic Methods of Pain Control in the Terminally Ill Cancer Patient: A Guide for the Clinical Nurse, Geralyn H. Bielefeld
The Continental Congress and the Indians: The Evolution of Federal Indian Policy, 1774-1783, Jon Larsen Brudvig
Where Will the Heroes Live?: Labour and Conservative Party Measures in Solving the Housing Problem, 1940-1960, Gregory A. Budde
Parents Modeling Faith within the Family, Henry A. Corcoran
Management of Nursing Staffs when Hospitals Merge, Timothy J. Cotter
Characteristics of Impaired Professionals and Their Treatment Needs, David Eder-Mulhane
A Peer Facilitator Program, Judy Faust
The Role of the School Psychologist as Perceived by Parents and Teachers of Elementary and Middle School Children, Craig A. Ferch
Official Diplomatic Relations Between the United States and the Papacy, 1847-1848, Jeffrey M. Fox
The United States and Vietnam: The New York Times Editorial Policy in 1968, Maura Frenn
Presidential Policy in Transition: Andrew Jackson and Proposals for An Indian State, 1829-37, Bernard A. Gannon III
The Effect of Prior Knowledge on Reading Miscues and Comprehension of Narrative Text, Susan Glass
AIDs and the Elementary School Population: The Implications of That Danger and Suggested Strategies of Response, Jane B. Hachey
Property Crime in the London Metropolis, 1763-1764, Daniel J. Heimmermann
British Press Reaction and the Belgian Revolution, 1830, John C. Horgan
Assessment of Anaerobic Treatment of Food Processing Wastewater, Ing-Chen Hwang
The Mexican War: A Lack of Conviction at Home and Abroad, Paul Jablonski
Jesus the Christ as Creator and Redeemer: A Study of the Motive for the Incarceration, Kathleen M. Jastrab
St. Florian's School Faculty/Staff Handbook, Mark T. Joerres
The London Times and its Propaganda Concerning the French Reign of Terror, James A. Kirchberg
Cooperative Learning for Staff In-service, Bruce T. Kramer
With Little Chance of Getting Up Again Unless They Were Helped by Others: English Heavy Cavalry (1350-1450), James Raymond Siegfried Owczarski
Submissions from 1988
Effects of Delvo on The Strength of Concrete, Khalifa Saad Abdulkarim
Lewis Cass and His Indian Gift Policy, Kevin J. Abing
Guidelines to Assess Learning Readiness In the Parent of a Pediatric Patient, Diane M. Andersen
Critique of Natural Theology in Karl Barth and Knowledge of God in Karl Rahner: A Possible Dialogue?, Britto M. Berchmans
Kent State, a typical FBI investigation, Linda Marie Bos
A Follow Up Study of the 1987 Graduates from Milwaukee Technical and Trade High School, Karen A. Boyle
Loneliness and the Chronically Ill Adult, Joyce Citerony Ennis
British Propaganda and American Public Opinion in 1940, John Feehery
The Perceptions and Attitudes of Faculty and Students on Attending Dental School in One's Second Language, Catherine A. Gilgenbach-Burr
The Economic Redevelopment of King Drive, Robert P. Grosch
Effects of Acid Rain on Fiber Reinforced Concrete, Ali M. Hamdan
The Effect of Acid Deposition on the Deterioration of Concrete, Tarek S. Hassan
A Spread Sheet Computer Program for the Design of Precast Concrete Connections, Mohamad M. Hayek
Toward a Covenantal Catechesis of Original Sin, James W. Heim
Of Two Minds: Investigations into the Bilateral Nature of Brain Functioning, Kathleen A. Hopp
A Proposal for Decentralizing District Offices of Education in Malaysia, Noor R. Hussain
The British Press and the Affair of Marshal Ney, David J. Kapler
Pascal and His Arithmetic Triangle, June Kieckhaefer
College Student Burnout: A Proactive Approach, Ann H. Klitzke
Use of Self-help and Support Groups by Parents Experiencing a Perinatal Death, Rosemary McCormick Knorr
The Milwaukee Assessment Center Differential Performance According to Sex and Race, Suzanne M. Lundin
Early French Disappointments in NATO, Joanne M. Parker
Sampling Theory: A Brief Overview, Jean E. Pelkey
San Francisco, the Japanese, and Theodore Roosevelt, Kimberley Pepper
Effects of Parent Training on Parent Expectations, Parenting Skills and Behavior Problems in Children, Cynthia Lee Peters
Aesthetics and History: The Theology of Hans Urs Von Balthasar, Catherine R. Rohutny
A Review of the Current Research on the Role of Administrator and Parent Involvement in Elementary Schools, Katherine F.K. Schrubbe
Anglo-American Relations Concerning Greece During World War II, Phyllis L. Soybel
Submissions from 1987
Linear, Continuous, Time-Invariant System Model Reduction Techniques, Ravindra Apte
Exploration of Personal Rapid Transit for Airports, Mohammed Saeed M. Bajnaid
Ecological Integration Theory & the Study of Child Abuse, Sandra Barrett
Project Success: A Transitional/Tutorial Program, Margaret Bauman
Essentials for Patient Classification in Rehabilitation, Gloria J. Bock
A Plan for a Model Parental Involvement Program, Sim P. Boyle
Dental Hygiene Education: How Much is Enough--Without Burnout, Lynn Ann Bergstrom Bryan
Development of a productivity model for Supplemental Staffing Nurses, Mary Claire Cera
Variable Digital Filters, Chih-yu Chen
Digital Interface for a Temperature Transducer, Shen-Whan Chen
Block Processing Techniques for Digital Filters, David W. Christenson
Implementation of Computer Vision in a Manufacturing Language Based Machine Vision Programming System-AML/V, Deyan Duan
Analysis of NISEND - A 3BNET Network Function, James Erdmann
The Use of Vector Quantization in the Data Compression of Medical Images, Wayne L. Euclide
The Sermon on the Mount: A Narrative Approach, Sally Foell
Milwaukee's Irish in the Nineteenth Century, 1835-1892, Patrick J. Foran
Students with Learning Problems in Catholic Elementary Schools, Theresa A. Fox
A Summary of The Fractal Geometry of Nature by Benoit B. Madelbrot, Joseph S. Griesbach
A Summary of the Fractal Geometry of Nature by Benoit B. Mandelbrot, Joseph S. Griesbach
Marquette University School of Education Pre-Professional Handbook: Secondary and Elementary Education, Kathryn M. Harms
Survey in Software Development, Patricia Huang
Three Forms of Krasovski's Theorem in the Stability of Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations, Zing-Lang Hu
MT88 Multi-Tasking Operating System, John C. Ignasiak
Overview of Computer Languages, Mukund T. Ingle
Subsurface Excavation and Construction Safety, Steven J. Kasimatis
Microcomputer Software Package for Foundation Design and Cost Optimization in Foundation Selection, Asad A. Khan
Developing the Complete Professional Engineer, Jerry S. Kipp
Underachievement and the Parent/Child Relationship: Some Possible Effects on Career Choice, Judith M. Krauss
Cooperation and Conflict: Franco-American Relations and the Crisis in Zaire, May, 1978, Roger J. Kumferman
Abraham Tradition in John 8, 31-59, Heajeong Lee
A Survey of Data Flow Computers, Jane Li