Submissions from 1987
Day Care: Impact on Childrens' Psychological and Educational Development, Joseph E. Mancuso
Human Responses to Companion Animal Visitation in an Acute Care Setting, Wendy A. Manor
The Role of the Pediatric Nurse Coordinator, Luane R. Osborne
Comparative Education: Its Relevance for the Modern School Administrator, Gary R. Stewart
Comparison of Radix-w and Radix-3 Fast Fourier Transform Algorithms, Hung-Fa Sun
Median and Combination Filters, Tzu-Yuan Sun
Submissions from 1986
Spreadsheet Programming for Reinforced Concrete Design, Constantine A. Acra
Managerial Planning, Fahad Saleh Ali Alkhalid
Comparative Cost Analysis of Formwork for Concrete Decks, Kendall Breunig
An Evaluation of the Effectiveness of the Highway Capacity Manual in Predicting Average Stopped Time Delay in a Progressive, Fixed Time Traffic Signal System, Robert W. Bryson
Prelude to the Final Solution: Vichy, the Vatican and the Jews (1940-1942), Mary Coerver
The Blueshirts and the Threat of Totalitarianism in the Irish Free State, Troy Davis
An Essay on Improving Compliance in Illiterate Adults, Hannah Demey
Advances in Behavior Modification 1955 to 1986, Ann M. Dougherty
The Voice of the American Eagle: Newspapers and the War on Britain, 1793-1812, Terence R. Finnegan
The Perplexing Role of the Department Chairperson, Roger J. Frankowski
The Emergence of the Polish National Catholic Church in America, Cheryl L. Gaszak
Factors Influencing Program Completion at Holy Cross House, Pat Hanratty
American Publication and South African Apartheid, 1960-1986, Jeralyn M. Hartwick
Investigating the Feasibility of Thermophilic Anaerobic Treatment of Complex Industrial Wastes, Kathleen M. Helf
Development of a Financial Counseling Program for Higher Education, Jane Hojan-Clark
Rebellion Against God: Sin and Human Paradox in Three of the Works of Reinhold Niebuhr, Daniel J. Holahan
Luther and the Role of Testament from 1525 through the Marburg Colony of 1529, Dennis C. Johnson
Pressure-Flow Kinetics in the Opossum Sphincter of Oddi, Mark K. Kern
Group Counseling Workshops for Adolescents of Divorce, Estee Therese Klemick
Implication of the Spiritual Component in Counseling, Marvin T. Knighton
Optimal Combination of Earthmoving Equipment, Ghassan A. Korban
The Rationale for, and the Development of a Fitness Curriculum at St. Paul's Lutheran School, West Allis, Wisconsin, Paul H. Krueger
Anglo-French Relations Under Mitterand and the Socialists, Frederick Theodore Lawler
Transcultural Nursing as It Relates to Urban Blacks: Implications for Nursing Education, Janet E. Lotegeluaki
Spreadsheet Programming for Prestressed Concrete Design, Ahmad A. Omais
School Discipline and the Elementary Principal, Lee Ann Schacht
Matthew's Redaction of "The Healing of the Paralytic" (Matt 9:1-8 = Mark 2:1-12 = Luke 5:17-26), Seung Ai Yang
Submissions from 1985
Computers and the Machining Factory with a Future, Thomas W. Albaugh
An Experience in Building the Foundation of School Reorganization, Kathleen A. Burdick
An Experience in Building the Foundation of School Reorganization, Kathleen A. Burdick
The Role of the K-12 Science Supervisor in Curriculum Development, Ilse M. Ehlert
Implications of Locus of Control Theory for Nursing Practice, Kathryn Mary Farina
Designing An Effective Part-Time Safety Program, John Frozena
Catholic School Consolidation: A Model, Richard Lee Goeden
Optimal Scheduling of Project Networks with Multiple Resources, David Haber
Database Design and Enhancement of the Graduate Student Records Database System, Charng-Tzer Harn
Administrative Insubordination and Bureaucratic Principles: The Federal Bureau of Investigation's American Legion Contact Program, Joanne M. Hepp
Reducing Feelings of Being Taken for Granted between Members of the Marital Dyad, George W. Hilliard
Nonpoint Pollution of Urban Snowmelt, Chang-Hao Huang
A Time Management Workshop for Professionally Employed Mothers, Julianne Johnson
Predesign Estimating of Structural Steel Cost for Multistory Buildings, Rehan A. Khan
Interface Winchester Hard-disc Drive to an 8-bit Microcomputer, Su-Chen Kuo
Variational Piecewise Approximation Methods, Joseph A. Lemke
The Professional Engineer Underwater, Paul A. Lohmiller
A Compiler for a FORTRAN-Like Language, Alam Monsur
Building a Case for Individualized Curriculum Planning and Instruction, Philip Edward Pares
Revelation as Ascesis in John Henry Newman, Daniel T. Pekarske
Divorce: The Process, the Children, the Role of the School, Terrie Boyden Pierce
France and the Congress of Troppau: Causes and Consequences, Ann E. Schimenz
Word Processing in Education, Kathleen S. Sugden-Small
Submissions from 1984
Bus Transit Performance Evaluation Using Microcomputers, Hamad R. AL-saaq
Graduate Nurse a Simulation Game for Nursing Students, Christina R. Bach
Catholic Memorial Career Resource Center, Laura Baker
Jonathan Edwards: Creation As a Communication of God, and As a Thing Communicated, in Its Nature Returned to God, As Its Final Term, Lawrence S. Bale
From River Street to Every Street: The Termination of Milwaukee's Segregated Vice District, James John Bergman
Parliamentary Control and Policymaking 1720-1775, Patricia Bolan
Appetite: A Conceptual Framework and Assessment Guide, Ann Zievers Branchini
Career Development in the English Curriculum?: Career English, Donald L. Breen
The Long Road to Justice: A Study of the History of War Crimes Trials Involving the Majdanek Concentration Camp Before Polish, U.S. Military, and German Courts, Frank M. Buscher
Citizen Genet and American Foreign Policy, Mark Carlile
From Indian Removal to a Reservation System: Federal Indian Policy, 1845-1857, David M. Compton
The Economics of the Kingdom: An Essay Occasioned by a Reading of Books by Julio de Santa Ana and Martin Hengel, Charles Burke Dougherty
Art and the Holocaust : a Study of the Female Experience in the Concentration Camps, Jude M. Hartwick
Assessing the Needs of Couples As They Relate to Marriage Counseling Services and Programs, Mary Kae Heller
Improving Bus Travel Time by Using Express Service, Huey-Ren Hwang
The Catholic Dilemma and the British Response: The Attitude of the Irish and American Catholic Churches toward the Anglo-Irish Struggle 1919-1921, Suzanne C. King
Middle Ear Model Research and Application, Kipton P. Lade
De Gaulle's Policy on the Vietnam War, 1963-1968: His Reactive Critique of American Escalation, Sang-woo Lim
Selected Use of Pavement Condition Data for Priority Planning of Urban Highway Improvements, James E. Mackey
Classroom Management Techniques: Survival for the Beginning Teacher, Patricia Louise Woods
Submissions from 1983
Stack Architecture: Case Studies and Simulation, Abhay V. Acharekar
Stack Architecture: Case Studies and Simulation, Abhay V. Acharekar
St. Francis Indian School: The History of Its Transformation from Jesuit Control to Indian Control, Kim Theresa Castelaz
A Nursing Care Plan for Chemonucleolysis, Linda Castner
The Church in the Mission and Ministry of Jesus Christ, Sarita C. Centala
Home Blood Glucose Monitoring, Suzanne Coyle
A Future Projection of Bilingual/Bicultural Education, Colleen Conrad DeFouw
Causal Attribution and Report of Symptoms in Patients with Known Coronary Artery Disease, Nancy Q. Derderian
Marketing Research Applicable Techniques and Statistical Analysis, Wanda Dieringer
The Responses of the Holy See to the Legal Antisemitism of Vichy France, August 1940-August 1942, James R. Gorski
A Literature Review of the Learning Disabled Adult, Patricia Horneck
Eternal Life is the Reward for Radical Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark, Angela M. Ireland
An Interpretation and Pastoral Application of the Classical Expression Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi for Contemporary Roman Catholicism, Mary E. Klink
The Songs and Stories of Deborah: Judges Four and Five, Judith A. Kowalski
Group Work with Institutionalized Elderly, John A. Lecane
A Model for Analysis of Injury with Protective Headgear, James S. Lepkowski
Patient Simulations in Education in the Health Professions, Marcia T. Linder
Evaluation of the Learning Disabled Student, Denise J. Maas
A Reluctant Peacemaker: Henry Clay and the Treaty of Ghent, Francis Michael MacDonald
Mexico Through the Eyes of Joel R. Poinsett, Minister to Mexico, 1825-1829, Teresa Jean Qubeck
Motivational Aspects of Underachievement, Inara Rudmanis
The Psychology of Motivation: A Study of Coordinators Within Complex Matrix Organizations, Barbara A. Saiia